Bringing Nature Home

I’m reading Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants by Douglas Tallamy. It’s a pretty interesting book because he is an entomologist and writes from that perspective. His message is pretty straightforward: most plants have compounds that help them defend against insects, and native plants have evolved for millions of years with insects that specialize in eating them. These insects are overwhelmingly the base of the food chain that supports everything else up to birds and larger animals. Replace the natives with ornamentals from elsewhere, often specifically bred to be unattractive to insects, and there are a lot fewer insects. The ecosystem doesn’t function any more, even if the plants kind of look similar to the way the functioning ecosystem used to look. Add to this the long list of devastating pests and diseases that have been imported along with alien ornamental plants, and ornamental plants that have escaped into the wild to further devastate ecosystem function, and the case is pretty strong.

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