This article on Philadelphia’s new rail park sounds kind of cool. Sure, we are copying an idea from New York with the typical one-decade lag, but it sounds like the designers have given some thought to ecology.
The Rail Park’s horticultural design is a “simple palette” with three main layers, he explained.
Hardy London plane trees — “the classic park tree” found along the outer lanes of the Ben Franklin Parkway and throughout the city — will dominate the upper layer. Multi-stem oaks and Kentucky coffee trees will fill in the medium layer, along with shorter redbuds and other flowering trees, American holly and Eastern red cedars. A birch grove will “play off the window boxes” that adorn a neighboring apartment building, like “a domestic landscape writ large,” Hanes said.
The lower level of plants will be more diverse, with arrangements of shrubs and perennials that include:
- Bottlebrush buckeye
- Oak leaf hydrangea and viburnums
- Sedges, tall grasses and ground covers
- Several varieties of fern
- Sumac
- Asters
- Sage
- Goldenrod
- Milkweed
- Alum root
- Wild petunias
- Wild indigo
I can vouch for this part of town being sorely in need of some wildness.