Project 2025, p. 2

Okay, continuing to look at this thing. So far, to summarize, it is a Christian nationalist agenda and a military-industrial agenda.

Continuing with the “Department of State” section, which I will say is the most logical and coherent chapter I have read so far.

  • They want to break up the Department of Homeland Security. But basically, just keep everything immigration-related as a cabinet-level department and scatter the remaining bits and pieces to other agencies. One of those bits and pieces is FEMA, which it sounds like they want to severely curtail financially, including the National Flood Insurance Program. [By some accounts, it was George W. Bush’s creation of DHS after 9/11 that broke FEMA and left it unprepared for Hurricane Katrina. Do we think disaster response and flood insurance will be less important going forward than it has been over the past 20 years or so, given that we are about to lose our coastal population centers? We probably will need a national fire insurance program at some point as private insurers pull out of that business as they did flood insurance decades ago. Someday that big earthquake is coming for us too. And let’s hope we are done with terrorist attacks for the foreseeable future, both foreign and domestic, but of course why would be be. And who is going to deal with pandemics and bioweapons, the CDC? Well, I assume the document just hasn’t gotten to them yet.]
  • They want to privatize TSA. Airport security was private on September 11, 2001, as I recall.
  • “Re-hemisphering manufacturing and industry”. In other words, make cheap stuff for American store shelves in Central and South America rather than Asia. Actually an interesting idea as it potentially takes away some immigration pressure while potentially helping people in those countries (and wealthy, powerful corporations and gangsters in those countries and the U.S., of course).
  • Just keep beating up on Iran. [No, the government of Iran is not well-intentioned or blameless toward the United States. I just think there is a strong stench of propaganda any time they are mentioned and I am skeptical that they are the criminal mastermind bogeymen behind everything bad happening in the greater middle east.]
  • “The manifest failure and corruption of the World Health Organization (WHO) during the COVID-19 pandemic is an example of the danger that international organizations pose to U.S. citizens and interests.” [What? I missed this completely. The pandemic the United States probably accidentally caused?]
  • Participating in the United Nations and other international organizations is only a means to achieve U.S. interests.


  • Basically, cancel anything climate change related and double down on fossil fuels throughout the developing world.
  • And some more homophobia and Christian Nationalism thrown in here.

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