Tag Archives: napping


I think I’ve talked about napping before. It’s supposed to be good for your heart and brain. But anyway, here is what a (paywalled) Philadelphia Inquirer article says are best practices.

  • 20-30 minutes in length
  • end 4-6 hours before bedtime (this would be 4-6 pm for me)
  • “create the right environment by napping in a quiet, comfortable, and dimly lit space”

The article actually suggests it is okay to use caffeine to fight off grogginess when waking up from an afternoon nap. But I don’t think a cup of coffee late in the afternoon would work for me. I think that is actually a great time for exercise. And we know that is good for our hearts and brains.

short naps good, long naps bad

As I move deeper into middle age, I consider the luxury of a mid-afternoon nap to be one of life’s great pleasures. 30 minutes is about right, according to this article. After reading the article though, I can’t help wondering if longer naps are more of a symptom of other health problems or poor lifestyle choices rather than a driver of them.

My personal prescription for a little mid-afternoon pick-me-up:

  1. Read a book (Kindle is okay, computer or phone not recommended) until you start to feel a bit sleepy.
  2. Close eyes for 20-30 minutes. Just relax, don’t put any pressure on yourself to sleep, or consider meditation if you don’t feel sleepy.
  3. Open your eyes and read a bit more.
  4. Get up and exercise for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Take a shower.
  6. Have a cocktail. Don’t overdo it, just one is good.
  7. Now you’re ready for dinner, people, or whatever you want/need to do in the evening.

Obviously this is not a daily prescription for the harried working parent. I find maybe one afternoon per month to do this, but it is oh so rejuvenating mentally and physically. I fantasize about doing this every day in retirement.