Tag Archives: harry reid

more UFOs from Harry Reid

Harry Reid learned how to swim in a brothel. That’s a fun fact is this NYT op-ed about UFOs. He talks about how he tried to destigmatize reportings of sightings by servicemen during his time in the Senate. He also talks about a new government report scheduled to come out in June although it “may be delayed”.

As for what they are:

What have I personally learned from official investigations into unidentified aerial phenomena so far? The truth, disappointing as it may be, is that there’s still a great deal we don’t understand. It’s unclear whether the U.F.O.s we have encountered could have been built by foreign adversaries, whether our pilots’ visual perception during some encounters was somehow distorted, or whether we truly have credible evidence of extraterrestrial visitations. There may be other, as yet unknown explanations for some of these strange sightings.

New York Times

In plain English, I would say there is an increasing consensus that UFO sightings are real, but there is also a significant likelihood of a terrestrial explanation. Better put Robert Mueller on it to make sure we get a clear and unambiguous report we can all agree on.