Category Archives: Year in Review

2024 in Review


What I do here is list all the posts I picked each month as most frightening, most hopeful, and most interesting. Then I attempt some kind of synthesis and analysis of this information. You can drill down to my “month in review” posts, from there to individual posts, and from there to source articles if you have the time and inclination.

Post Roundup

Most frightening and/or depressing stories

  • JANUARY: 2023 was “a year of war“, and so far 2024 is not looking better. Those diplomatic grand bargains you always hear about seem to be getting less grand. And the drumbeat for a U.S. attack on Iran got louder.
  • FEBRUARY: The war on terror continues, and the propaganda umbrella has expanded to cover attacks on any group labeled as “Iran-backed”. Fentanyl gets an honorable mention, but affects mostly the poor and miserable whereas the war on terror threatens to immolate us all.
  • MARCH: Ralph Nader says the civilian carnage in Gaza is an order of magnitude worse than even the Gaza authorities say it is. Which is almost unthinkably horrible if true, and makes the Israeli public statements about collateral damage seem even less credible. However even handed you try to be in considering this war could be a proportionate response to the original gruesome attack, it is getting harder.
  • APRIL: Peter Turchin’s description of a “wealth pump” leading to stagnation and political instability seems to fit the United States pretty well at this moment. The IMF shows that global productivity has been slowing since the US-caused financial crisis in 2008. In Turchin’s model, our November election will be a struggle between elites and counter-elites who both represent the wealthy and powerful. That sounds about right, but I still say it is a struggle between competence and incompetence, and competence is a minimum thing we need to survive in a dangerous world. In early April I thought things were trending painfully slowly, but clearly, in Biden’s direction. As I write this in early May I am no longer convinced of that.
  • MAY: What a modern nuclear bomb would do to a large modern city. Do we already know this intellectually? Sure. Do we constantly need to be reminded and remind our elected leaders that this is absolutely unthinkable and must be avoided at any cost? Apparently.
  • JUNE: Some self-labeled “conservatives” in the United States want to do away with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Census Bureau, the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Education, and possibly even the Federal Reserve. All these are needed to have a competent, stable government and society and to be prepared to respond and recover from the shocks that are coming, so I would call this nihilist and not “conservative” at all. How is it conservative to want to destroy the institutions that have underpinned the success of our nation thus far? On the other hand, they also want to double down on the unimaginative pro-big-business, pro-war consensus of the two major parties over the last 50 years or so, which has also gotten us to where we are today. And it looks like the amateurs and psychopaths have the upper hand at the moment in terms of our November election. This is certainly not “morning in America”.
  • JULY: Joe Biden’s depressing decline in the international spotlight, and our failed political system that could let such a thing happen. Not much more I can say about it that has not been said. The “election trifecta” – non-partisan, single ballot primaries; ranked-choice general elections; and non-partisan redistricting – is one promising proposal for improving this system.
  • AUGUST: Human extinction, and our dysfunctional political system’s seeming lack of concern and even active ramping up the risk. We have forgotten how horrible it was last time (and the only time) nuclear weapons were used on cities. Is there any story that could be more frightening and/or depressing to a human?
  • SEPTEMBER: There is nothing on Earth more frightening than nuclear weapons. China has scrapped its “minimal deterrent” nuclear doctrine in favor of massively scaling up their arsenal to compete with the also ramping up U.S. and Russian arsenals. They do still have an official “no first strike” policy. The U.S. by contrast has an arrogant foreign policy.
  • OCTOBER: When it comes to the #1 climate change impact on ordinary people, it’s the food stupid. (Dear reader, I’m not calling you stupid, and I don’t consider myself stupid, but somehow we individually intelligent humans are all managing to be stupid together.) This is the shit that is probably going to hit the fan first while we are shouting stupid slogans like “drill baby drill” (okay, if you are cheering when you hear a politician shout that you might not be stupid, but you are at least uninformed.)
  • NOVEMBER: Ugh, the U.S. election. I don’t really want to talk or think too much more about it. What’s really frightening to me is the celebration of irrationality. With incompetent, irrational clowns and fools now in charge of everything, any crises or emergencies that arise are not going to be dealt with rationally, competently, or at all. And this is how an emergency can turn into a system failure. Let’s hope we can muddle through four years without a major acute crisis of some kind, but that is hard to do.
  • DECEMBER: The annual “horizon scan” from the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution lists three key issues having to do with tipping points: “melting sea ice, melting glaciers, and release of seabed carbon stores”.

Most hopeful stories

  • JANUARY: According to Bill Gates, some bright spots in the world today include gains in administering vaccines to children around the world, a shift toward greater public acceptance of nuclear power, and maybe getting a bit closer to the dream of fusion power. He pontificates about AI, and my personal sense is it is still too soon, but AI does hold some promise for speeding up scientific progress.
  • FEBRUARY: The people who are in charge of the USA’s nuclear weapons still believe in the ideals behind the founding of the country, at least more than the rest of us. Okay, this is lean times for hope, but seriously this at least buys us time to figure some stuff out.
  • MARCH: Yes, there are some fun native (North American) wildflowers you can grow from bulbs. Let’s give the environmental and geopolitical doom and gloom a rest for a moment and cultivate our gardens.
  • APRIL: Some tweaks to U.S. trade policy might be able to significantly ease the “border crisis” and create a broad political coalition of bigots, big business, and people who buy things in stores.
  • MAY: The U.S. might manage to connect two large cities with true high speed rail, relatively soon and relatively cost effectively. The trick is that there is not much between these cities other than flat desert. The route will mostly follow an existing highway, and we should think about doing this more as autonomous vehicles very gradually start to reduce demand on our highways in coming decades.
  • JUNE: Computer-controlled cars are slowly but surely attaining widespread commercial rollout. I don’t care what the cynics say – this will save land, money and lives. And combined with renewable and/or nuclear energy, it could play a big role in turning the corner on the climate crisis.
  • JULY: A universal flu vaccine may be close, the same technology might work for other diseases like Covid, HIV, and tuberculosis.
  • AUGUST: Drugs targeting “GLP-1 receptors” (one brand name is Ozempic) were developed to treat diabetes and obesity, but they may be effective against stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, alcoholism, and drug addiction. They may even be miracle anti-aging drugs. But really, it seems like the simple story is that most of us in the modern world are just eating too much and moving our bodies too little, and these drugs might let us get some of the benefits of healthier lifestyles without actually making the effort. Making the effort, or making the effort while turbo-charging the benefits with drugs, might be the better option. Nonetheless, saving lives is saving lives.
  • SEPTEMBER: AI should be able to improve traffic management in cities, although early ideas on this front are not very creative.
  • OCTOBER: AI, at least in theory, should be able to help us manage physical assets like buildings and infrastructure more efficiently. Humans still need to have some up-front vision of what we would like our infrastructure systems to look like in the long term, but then AI should be able to help us make optimal repair-replace-upgrade-abandon decisions that nudge the system toward the vision over time as individual components wear out.
  • NOVEMBER: In a nation of 350 million odd people, there have to be some talented potential leaders for us to choose between in future elections, right? Or is it clowns and fools all the way down? Sorry folks, this is how I feel.
  • DECEMBER: I’m really drawing a blank on this one folks. Since I reviewed a number of book lists posted by others, I just pick one book title that sounds somewhat hopeful: Abolishing Fossil Fuels: Lessons from Movements That Won.

Most interesting stories, that were not particularly frightening or hopeful, or perhaps were a mixture of both

  • JANUARY: The return of super-sonic commercial flight is inching closer.
  • FEBRUARY: I am not a great chef by any means, but all hail recipe websites, however pesky they may be, for helping me make edible food.
  • MARCH: I looked into Belarus, and now I am just a little bit less ignorant, which is nice.
  • APRIL: If the singularity is in fact near, our worries about a productivity slow down are almost over, and our new worries will be about boredom in our new lives of leisure. It doesn’t seem like a good idea to count on this happening in the very near future, and therefore stop trying to solve the problems we have at the moment. This would be one of those “nice to have” problems. If it does in fact materialize, the places to be will be the ones that manage to shut down Peter Turchin’s wealth pump and spread the newfound wealth, rather than the places where a chosen few live god-like existences while leaving the masses in squalor.
  • MAY: Drone deliveries make some sense, but what we really need is infrastructure on the ground that lets all sorts of slow, light-weight vehicles zip around in our cities efficiently and safely. And this means separating them completely from those fast, heavy vehicles designed for highway travel.
  • JUNE: I had a misconception that if the world reduces greenhouse gases today, the benefits will not kick in for decades. Happily, scientists’ understanding of this has been updated and I will update my own understanding along with that. The key is the ocean’s ability to absorb excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere relatively quickly. (I am not sure this is good for the ocean itself, but it is somewhat hopeful for temperatures here on land.) And it is not all or nothing – any emissions reductions will help, so the failure to act in the past is not an excuse to continue to fail to act.
  • JULY: Maybe we could replace congress with AI agents working tirelessly on behalf of us voters. Or maybe we could just have AI agents tirelessly paying attention to what the humans we have elected are doing, and communicating in both directions.
  • AUGUST: I did some musing about electric vehicles in August. The hype bubble seems to have burst a bit, as they did not explode onto the international commercial scene as some were hoping/predicting. This is partly because public infrastructure has not kept pace with the private sector due to sheer inertia, but I always detect a whiff of the evil oil/car industry propaganda and political capture behind the scenes. Nonetheless, just as I see happening with computer-driven vehicles, the technology and market will continue to develop after the hype bubble bursts. In a way, this almost starts the clock (5-10-20 years?) for when we can expect the actual commercial transition to occur. It will happen gradually, and one day we will just shrug, accept it, assume we knew it was coming all along, and eventually forget it was any other way. And since I seem to have transportation on the brain, here is a bonus link to my article on high speed trains.
  • SEPTEMBER: Countries around the world update their constitutions about every 20 years on average. They have organized, legal processes for doing this spelled out in the constitutions themselves. The U.S. constitution is considered the world’s most difficult constitution to update and modernize.
  • OCTOBER: Some explanations proposed for the very high cost of building infrastructure in the U.S. are (1) lack of competition in the construction industry and (2) political fragmentation leading to many relatively small agencies doing many relatively small projects. Some logical solutions then are to encourage the formation of more firms in the U.S., allow foreign firms and foreign workers to compete (hardly consistent with the current political climate!), and consolidate projects into a smaller number of much larger ones where economies of scale can be realized. There is some tension though between scale and competition, because the larger and more complex a project gets, the fewer bidders it will tend to attract who are willing to take the risk.
  • NOVEMBER: You can charge moving electric vehicles using charging coils embedded in roads.
  • DECEMBER: Bill Gates recommended The Coming Wave as the best recent book to understand the unfolding and intertwined AI and biotechnology revolution. I also listed the 2024 Nobel prizes, which largely had to do with AI and biotechnology.


Nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles. The massive silver lining here is that, as I write this, there has been no use of nuclear weapons in war since 1945. Let’s hope it stays that way, forever and ever. But the expansion of nuclear arsenals among the existing powers, the open discussion of proliferation to new state actors, and the erosion of treaties and taboos on use of nuclear weapons are all deeply concerning. I find the hypersonic missiles particularly disturbing. These are being used in active, hot wars between nuclear powers – between Russia and NATO’s proxy Ukraine, and between Israel and Iran. We also hear that China has developed these weapons. Missiles are scary to begin with, but what is very, very scary is that these seem to be nuclear capable missiles and they are being actively used in hot wars between nuclear powers right now. If there are only a few minutes of warning when they are incoming, and they effectively can’t be pre-empted or intercepted, how does anyone know for sure that they are not nuclear armed before they hit their targets? So far, it seems like all sides are waiting for missiles to hit before we confirm they are not nuclear missiles. What if a state actor decides they can’t afford to wait and see and considers a pre-emptive strike? China and Iran have no-first-strike policies. The United States does not, and here is a fun fact – the SOVIET UNION had a no-first-strike policy, but modern Russia does not. Just to heap a little more sunshine on this topic, the rapid collapse of Syria, an aspiring nuclear power at one point, made me wonder if something similar could happen in Pakistan. And there is always the prospect of nuclear terrorism, particularly frightening when combined with extremist ideologies that glorify suicide and mass killing of civilians. It is easy to imagine horrible scenarios for all mankind on this one – but again, it is a risk that hasn’t materialized and can be managed. And it actually seems like a simpler, more tractable problem to me than complicated scenarios like climate change. Nuclear weapons are in the hands of relatively few leaders, and there is plenty of precedent for what arms control treaties and risk reduction measures can look like. Courageous leaders can step up on this issue – where are you guys?

Climate change. Let’s continue my little happy pep talk on existential threats. The climate change crisis is biting our civilization right now, and not only that, we are in the middle of it, not the beginning, and it is accelerating every day. This is the physical and socioeconomic reality, while our human civilization’s perception of reality let alone willingness and ability to act lag far behind. This is starting to feel like a story that will not and cannot end well. It is starting to bite our cities in the form of floods and fires, and this is well before relentless sea level rise really starts to bite in a significant way. Another place it will gradually start to bite harder, if it has not already, is food prices and eventually the physical food supply. As much as we have whined about food prices here in the U.S., the rise has been much worse in developing countries. And everything I just said is about the slow, steady, but relentless changes in the climate we have been experiencing and have to expect we will keep experiencing, at a minimum. The small piece of good news here is that if we took action immediately, we would start to see improvement in the trends immediately, rather than having to wait for some lag period to pass. My understanding of this has changed in the past year, and this is something positive. BUT what if rapid, sudden changes are in store? Some of the most terrifying articles I highlighted in 2024 have to do with tipping points, also known as runaway trains. We know about the accelerating melting glaciers and ice sheets, and how a sudden collapse of ice could lead to catastrophic and sudden sea level rise. We are seeing sudden rises in atmospheric methane concentrations – there seems to be some chance that this is the beginning of a feedback loop where frozen soil and seafloor sediments release methane bubbles as they thaw, which leads to more warming, which leads to more thawing, which leads to more warming and so on in a catastrophic exponential feedback loop that can’t be stopped on any time scale meaningful to humans. I hope we are not looking back a few years from now and concluding 2024 was the year that kicked this off. Now for some very small positive words – no matter how long our human political leaders dither and delay and fail, it is never too late to take actions that will make the outcome less bad than it could have been. Think about the reverse – if you were going to purposely try to make the situation as bad a possible, you could do things that would make it worse (like take all energy production back to coal). So past failure is never an excuse to stop trying, it is truly never too late to do better, even if our lack of effective action to date has closed off certain positive outcomes forever.

Bird flu. Continuing the doom and gloom theme, a major pandemic with a high mortality rate is clearly another existential threat we face. It could come from a natural source, a laboratory accident, or an intentional act. The risk of the latter will grow as biotechnology continues to progress and, unlike nuclear weapons, becomes more accessible to the masses. It’s like a major flood or earthquake. It will happen sooner or later. There are things we can do to limit the damage and to recover more quickly when it does happen, and we are probably not doing enough. The current strain of bird flu is concerning as it continues to devastate wild and domestic birds around the world, has spread extensively to domestic cows, there are some reports it has spread to pigs, and it has spread to some humans supposedly through direct contact with animals. Now having said all that, 2025 is probably not the year we get a devastating pandemic flu. Every year is probably not the year, because this is a low probability event in any given year that becomes highly probable over a long period of time. So the thing to do is stay calm and prepare. I actually have some hope that the vaccine technology that was rapidly scaled up and commercialized during Covid-19 will help us when the pandemic flu does hit. Let’s hope it’s not this year or any time during the next four years when we cannot expect to have competent leadership in the United States.

Artificial Intelligence. I suppose I have to say something about it. Well, I can’t recall in my lifetime any technology exploding exponentially into widespread commercial and public use in just over a year from its first announcement. You could almost describe it as…a singularity? Well not quite, but an ongoing exponential growth with no end in site, which is how a singularity would begin. Now, the downside is the sudden, massive, and completely unexpected energy demand this is causing, to the point that recently retired nuclear plants are being turned back on. I joked that AI might be the explanation for the Fermi paradox, where every civilization in the cosmos advanced enough to develop this technology wipes itself out by fouling its own nest when it tries to generate the energy required. I don’t believe this though – given that it’s easy to imagine an alternate history where nuclear fission based energy was scaled up in a serious way, and/or space based solar energy was scaled up in a serious way, and fusion based energy looking at least somewhat plausible, it does not seem like a foregone conclusion that we humans here on Earth had to foul our nest. This does not mean there is hope for us, it just means that there might be hope in a galaxy far, far away or in a billion of them too far away for us to see.

AI Agents. Now, as we foul our nest over the next few decades, there is the question of where AI goes in the next few months and years. And one big thing, I think, that is going to change our lives pretty quick is AI agents. We don’t really have AI going out and actively engaging in communications and transactions on our behalf on a large scale yet. But this has to be happening behind the scenes, and it has to happen in an obvious public way pretty soon. Imagine if I asked an AI to keep track of what one of my elected representatives is doing each day, read and summarize legislation they vote for or against, and just explain it to me in an easily digestible way for five minutes a day. Now imagine my AI is talking to my representative’s AI, and everyone else’s AIs are doing that, and giving the AI a summary of what all these AIs are thinking. That sounds pretty democratic right? But now imagine AIs from companies and governments are trying to manipulate all of us to buy things and believe things and do things they want us to do. Now imagine ALL THESE AIs ARE TALKING AND TRANSACTING WITH EACH OTHER, ALL THE TIME, AND THEY NEVER GET TIRED OR NEED A BREAK. It gets dizzying pretty quick.

Competing Feedback Loops. AI has definitely increased my personal productivity in writing computer programs and communicating the results in the past year. This must be happening on a large scale, at least it certain types of jobs. On the other hand, the IMF tells us worldwide productivity has slowed down since the 2009 financial crisis and was made worse by the Covid-19 crisis. There are also continuing headwinds like aging populations and falling fertility rates in many developed countries. How can both these things be true, an acceleration of productivity and a slowdown of productivity? The way I think about it, they are competing feedback loops, kind of like the faucet in your bathtub being on while at the same time there is no drain plug. Whether your tub is filling up or draining down depends on the relative strength of the positive and negative feedback loops. And unlike your bathtub, both are changing in time and subject to random shocks. So it could go either way – civilization could be going down the drain, the technological singularity might be imminent, or the two could be close to balance so it seems like nothing is happening for a long time, until one of them gets the upper hand. These are not the only feedback loops of course – the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises are also in the mix and since these are negative, we have to really hope that AI faucet is wide open, or find a stopper for the drain, or some combination of the two. We don’t have many world leaders working on the stopper thing right now, many are trying to drill baby drill an even bigger hole.

Biotechnology. AI seems likely to accelerate the progress of biotechnology, leading toward both medical breakthroughs (universal vaccines, cures for cancer and diabetes) and increasing risks of accidents and terrorism. Its hard to predict when these things will hit the news – progress is slow and steady for a long time, and then a technology will seem to burst onto the public scene all at once. Sometimes there is a big hype bubble that reaches a peak and seems to explode, and then while the public assumes the technology is dead, the slow and steady progress toward widespread commercialization resumes and eventually takes hold of the entire system. And then we shrug, forget the past, and assume we knew it was coming all along.

Electric Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles. The U.S. government might be throwing up some headwinds to technological progress (i.e., doing their best to usher in a dark age not a “golden age”), but the global socioeconomic and scientific systems that drive technological progress are much too big to be constrained by the U.S. government. While many in the U.S. may have the impression that the electric vehicle revolution has stalled, it is forging ahead in Asia and around the world. China is building cars for $10,000, and nobody else (Japan, Korea, or Tesla let alone Detroit) can figure out how to compete with this. I suspect one driver of the protectionist impulse in the U.S. is fear that we have no chance of competing, so our government is willing to imprison us in a bubble of outdated technology at uncompetitive prices, and if they can’t outright restrict information about the outside world from getting in, they will use propaganda to distort that information so we don’t understand what we are missing. It’s like the Soviet Union, or worse, North Korea. We are certainly not as far behind as the Soviet Union or North Korea relative to our peers yet, but this is the path we are headed down. Similarly to electric vehicles, we are hearing from our media that autonomous vehicle technology has stalled or under-delivered or is risky (it’s not, by any rational measure compared to the massive death and suffering caused by human-driven vehicles). But this technology has in fact arrived, just arrived unevenly in certain cities in the U.S. and around the world, and our government policy is slowing its spread for example with policies that do not allow autonomous vehicles on highways. These two technologies – electric and autonomous vehicles – have to combine and reinforce each other sooner or later, and this will change a lot of things about how our cities and infrastructure are configured in the future. It’s hard to give a timetable, but I bet if you go to a leading edge city in China, Korea, or Japan a decade from now these technologies will be everywhere and it will seem like science fiction to a U.S. traveler who has been kept in the dark about the state of the outside world as our once world-leading country has stagnated.

Inequality and the Wealth Pump. I hadn’t heard the term “wealth pump” before reading Peter Turchin in 2024, but it rings true. Wealth and income inequality is just the elephant in the room behind the 2024 U.S. election and many other geopolitical trends around the world. It is getting worse in the U.S., and it is not going to get better as long as the wealthy and powerful are able to continue rigging the rules of the system more and more in their favor. The pain of the masses is very real. And Donald Trump may have found rhetoric that taps into this pain, but his administration is certainly not going to make the situation better. But nor has the Democratic Party shown any signs of making the situation better. They may tinker with some marginal policy changes that slow the trend (for example, the short-lived increase in tax credits to offset childcare expenses, some steps to slow the rise of prescription drug prices) but do not reverse it (for example, creating real childcare, education, and health care benefits that reach the vast majority of working citizens). Bernie Sanders is the only U.S. politician who has spoken authentically to the people about these issues in recent memory, and he reached a lot of people although not quite enough when the established Democratic Party did everything they could to sabotage him. There is also the problem of half a century of very effective anti-tax propaganda that is very hard to overcome. But still, I believe Bernie showed us the way. The Democrats need to embrace the man and his policies, and find him a true protege or several to choose from who are able to speak with his authenticity and maybe a bit more youth and charisma. Trump is all but guaranteed to fuck up massively over the next four years, so the question is will the Democrats let his propaganda machine convince us to blame scapegoats or will they be ready?

Government of the Fools, By the Fools, For the Fools, and Where’s Waldo? Before January 20, 2025 it was clear to me that the U.S. will be governed by fools and amateurs for the next four years. And this alone is sad because it will lead to our continued stagnation and at least relative decline while peer countries are moving into the future. It is also dangerous because the nation might be able to muddle through while there is nothing unusual going on, but fools, amateurs and clowns are not going to prepare or respond effectively to emergencies, disasters, and unexpected events. Four years is a long enough time that some unexpected events should be expected. We can only hope they are not too far out in the tails. But as I write this on January 23, 2025, it seems even worse. Trump is a fool, but a very powerful and dangerous fool, and at least some of the people whispering in his ear are evil cruel-hearted psychopaths, sadists, and outright devils. I don’t think Trump is Hitler, because Hitler believed in things (evil, twisted things) whereas I think Trump is a pure psychopath who believes in nothing and is willing to say or do anything he thinks will increase his own power. But who are the Heydrichs, Himmlers, and Goebbels among his supporters? I am not sure, but whoever they are they are hiding in plain site in a crowd of clowns and fools where they are hard to pick out. It’s time to play a little Where’s Waldo.

Welcome to 2025!

And that is all the sunshine and light I have to offer you here in this January 2025. If you are a human being reading this in close to real time, happy 2025 and may it be better than expected, which is not a high bar at all! If you are an alien archaeologist reading this in the far future, I hope it helps you make sense of the rubble of our civilization. If you are a transhuman reading it after the singularity in the near future (I heard October 2029 according to Ray Kurzweil’s latest prediction?), I hope you are laughing that the problems that seemed so dire to me in January 2025 had solutions just around the corner!

Longreads #5 stories publishes a “top 5 stories” post every week. “Sometimes serious, sometimes humorous, always thought-provoking, they all have a certain je ne sais quoi that makes them special—something you’ll want to share with a friend.” Sometimes there are some real gems here that you wouldn’t pick up anywhere else (well, they are all from somewhere else, but often sources I would not otherwise stumble across.) Well friends, here are a few that caught my eye.

  • How We Lost Our Minds About UFOs – The author goes through the entire history and comes down firmly on the skeptical side. Weather balloons, experimental aircraft, and Cold War propaganda.
  • What Really Caused the Sriracha Shortage? – This is about the sauce made in California with the rooster on it. I include this because I want to make a public service announcement. Sri Racha is a province in Thailand known for spicy sauces that they put on seafood. There are many varieties, and virtually all are tastier than the mass produced pasty substance from California. They are not generally advertised, but some are exported. I recommend “Sriraja Panich Hot Chili Sauce”. Check your local Asian grocery outlet and see what you can find.
  • The Last Stand of the Call-Centre Worker – This is a human interest story, but it goes into the unfolding AI takeover of customer service. It has some interesting numbers: 800,000 call center employees in the UK, 3 million in the US, 1.5 million in the Philippines, and 17 million globally. This is going to decrease as AI takes hold. I’ll just say, the new AI systems are going to provide much better customer service than the absurd automated systems we have dealt with over the past several decades (“listen carefully as menu options have changed”), which allowed companies and governments to just pretend they were providing customer service when actually they were just providing less service and forcing customers to waste their own time trying to serve themselves (kind of like self checkouts now that I think of it, but these are also improving).
  • Would You Clone Your Dog? – Well, this one is about dog cloning. It’s pretty routine at this point. They remove eggs from the dog someone wants to clone (so only females can be cloned at this point?), fertilize them or trick them into thinking they’ve been fertilized them somehow, and implant them in another female dog who has the clone puppies.
  • I Drove a Cybertruck Around SF Because I Am a Smart, Cool Alpha Male and The Most Polarizing Thing on Wheels – I haven’t been in one but I’ve certainly seen them. I grudgingly admire a company having the guts to make a real thing that looks science fiction future-y and sell it to real people in the real market. It shows some imagination.
  • Pooping on the Moon Is a Messy Business – Apparently there are little doggy bags of human poop still on the moon.
  • Living In A Lucid Dream – Lucid dreaming is certainly interesting. Supposedly almost anyone can learn to do it.
  • ‘It Wasn’t Sexual in Any Way!’ 50 Years of Streaking – By The People Who Dared to Bare All – One guy has streaked at 583 public events.

Urbanomics 2024 wrap-up

I like the Urbanomics blog. It is India-focused but also covers international and U.S. topics. Here are a few things that caught my eye:

  • a chart showing the average global temperature in 2024 surpassed 1.5 degrees C of warming. I don’t know exactly how the IPCC threshold is defined, for example if it is a multi-year average, but nonetheless this ship is setting sail right about now.
  • a chart showing the incredible run for the U.S. stock market this year. As I enter the 10-15 years to retirement window, I can’t help thinking whether this is my last bubble during working years and what the timing means for me personally when it pops or deflates. And given the first bullet, how does the real geophysical overreach bubble we find ourselves in, which it seems might be springing a leak, relate to this financial bubble?
  • a chart showing that China imported the largest share of U.S. goods and services a decade ago but has dropped sharply as the #1 destination for U.S. exports. Canada and Mexico are the other 2 in the top 3. Still, a chart like this tells us only the relative position and doesn’t tell us whether the overall value of U.S. exports has increased in this time, or whether the composition has changed (for example, how much is food and energy vs. high-tech products like electronics or military equipment.) For that matter, when the U.S. governments gives foreign governments aid consisting of cash that they are required to use to buy things from U.S. corporations, does this count as an export? I am thinking it probably does.
  • Embedded in this 2024 roundup is another entire 2024 roundup, the World Bank’s 2024 Key Development Challenges. The trend in extreme poverty around the world is still down, but gains have slowed since the pandemic and are projected to continue to be slow. Huge numbers of people still lack access to modern sanitation, electricity, drinking water, and education. Climate hazards such as floods, heat waves, droughts and tropical storms are a headwind to further gains. Generally, debt burdens have increased and economic growth has slowed in developing countries since the pandemic. As much as we are complaining about inflation in the developed world, it has been much worse in developing countries, where inflation in food prices has been about double that in developed countries. Overall, commodity prices are about 30% higher than before the pandemic.
  • Embedded within the World Bank’s roundup is the “Business Ready 2024” ranking of developing economies based on business environment. This suggests specific policies developing countries (and likely, many developed countries, cities and regions) can take to encourage the private sector. Many of these are relatively straightforward and do not require large amounts of money, which does not mean of course that they are politically or administratively easy to implement.

ProPublica most-read stories of 2024

Here are a few stories from ProPublica that caught my eye:

what countries U.S. combat troops are in at the end of 2024

Twice a year the President is required to inform Congress about where U.S. troops are engaged in combat. This seems to leave a lot out – most obviously, naval and air force operations around the world that are nominally based out of the U.S. and its territories. Massive U.S. bases in Japan, Korea, and elsewhere that are not obviously and directly engaged in combat. “Advisors”, special operations, covert actions, intelligence operations, and contractor operations of various kinds. Satellites, somewhat obviously. Nonetheless, the report says U.S. troops are engaged in combat in:

  • Iraq and Syria – lumped together, somewhat oddly. U.S. combat troops are on the ground inside Syria, a sovereign nation which has not invited us to be there. They are supposedly fighting Islam-inspired terrorists, but not the ones that just overthrew the country’s government. The U.S. is allied with Kurdish groups, which were fighting the Syrian government (but were not allied with the group that successfully overthrew the Syrian government), and are fighting Turkey, which is a U.S. ally and NATO member. The U.S. directly bombed “Iran-affiliated groups” in Syria twice in November. The short letter does not mention any U.S. support for Israeli operations inside Syria, but it is hard to imagine the U.S. being completely uninvolved. The U.S. still has troops in Iraq (Mission Accomplished) 21 years after invading that country. These troops are supposedly invited to be there by the Iraqi government, and are supporting “Kurdish Iraqi security forces” and providing “limited support to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization mission in Iraq”. I am kind of baffled by these last two statements, but I guess I am just ignorant.
  • “Arabian Peninsula Region”. This is an anti-terrorist mission supposedly at the invitation of the Yemeni government. At the same time, we are hearing about massive famine in Yemen caused by the Saudi attacks on the country, and it is not exactly clear what the U.S. role in that is.
  • Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. U.S. troops are involved in anti-terrorist actions in all these countries, supposedly at the invitation of the host countries.
  • Somalia – U.S. troops are involved in anti-terrorist combat operations at the invitation of the government. This one is pretty ugly, but many accounts.
  • Djibouti – Djibouti is basically a massive U.S. military base for many operations in Africa and the Middle East. Again, it’s a little odd that this gets mentioned when others don’t – what about Bahrain, UAE, Oman, Qatar?
  • Cuba – Guantanamo Bay is still open for business with 30 prisoners. Maybe Biden should just drop these people off in Florida or Texas on January 19.
  • Philippines – again, odd that this massive base gets mentioned when other massive ones do not, but it is because there are some in-country operations U.S. troops are involved in.
  • Israel – U.S. troops are defending Israel while it is attacking its occupied territories and sovereign neighbors.
  • The report mentions small numbers of U.S. troops in Egypt and Kosovo.
  • Afghanistan – “United States military personnel remain postured outside Afghanistan to address threats to the United States homeland and United States interests that may arise from inside Afghanistan.” Um, so this does not make it clear where they are, how many troops there are or what they are actually doing, if anything…
  • Niger – Well, here is a country that kicked us out following a military coup, and apparently we actually left when they asked us to.
  • There are 80,000 U.S. troops deployed to NATO countries in western Europe, according to the letter. Again, it’s a little unclear to me why these are listed while troops in Japan and Korea are not.

Longreads reader favorites readers like some weird, occasionally morbid stuff apparently, most of which does not appeal to me personally. The only one that really stood out to me is I was Hypnotized as a Teen. Was it Dangerous? Basically, the verdict is that medical hypnosis is definitely a real thing, and there is overall agreement that stage hypnosis is at least partially real. People can’t be hypnotized against their will, apparently, but once they agree to it at least some people lose control to the hypnotist and do not remember details of the experience.

Longreads #1 stories

A lot of the #1 stories are kind of depressing, to be honest. Here are a couple that caught my eye:

Planetizen’s top posts of 2024

There are a lot here. Quite a few have to do with housing, a topic I would be interested in brushing up on. A lot have to do with transportation, a topic I have just feeling complete and utter despair about, at least in the context of the United States and my particular city and state. One possible bright spot is congestion pricing in New York City. Congestion pricing just works, even though it is politically unpopular and counter-intuitive to many people’s “common sense”. Maybe people will notice that it solves some of the congestion and parking issues they like to complain about, and maybe it will slowly spread to other cities and states.

real Terminator-style augmented reality in 2025?

From this Wired headline, you might think 2025 will be year I finally get directions superimposed on the real world through my glasses. But read farther and it sounds more like this is still hard and 2025 will just be a year I can listen to podcasts through my glasses, if I wanted to do that for some reason.

  • Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3S – These are full-on virtual reality helmets I think. I can see this being cool on, say, a long-haul flight, but not walking around a city. Magic Leap is still out there, somewhere, doing something.
  • Ray-Ban Meta – Seriously, this is just making phone calls and listening to music through your glasses. Fine, but not augmented/mixed reality in my opinion. There are some other similar ones from Oppo, Swave, and Emteq and some others that failed on the launchpad or are still in development.
  • Meta Orion, Snap Spectacles, Google Android XR – These are supposed to be the real deal, but are still in the R&D phase. So not too hopeful they will burst onto the commercial scene in 2025.
  • Form – “smart swim goggles”. I can see this – swimming can be boring, and nobody has invented a truly foolproof set of swimming headphones/earbuds that I am aware of.
  • XReal – “focuses on mimicking a big screen display right on the lenses to let users feel like they’re watching media on a big screen”. Again, could be cool on a plane, train, bus, or self-driving vehicle.
  • Emteq – basically sounds like a Fitbit in glasses form. Maybe less dorky than when you see joggers with phones strapped to their arms.

You would assume Apple has some augmented/mixed reality R&D work going on, but they usually seem happy to skip the first couple generations of a new product category (think AI) and let it mature a bit before they join the fray. So the lack of any public hype from Apple is probably a sign that the technology is not going to mature in the next 12 months.

So there you have it – I personally am still looking forward to the (mildly dystopian) world of Rainbow’s End, but it doesn’t sound like 2025 will be the year we get there.

Project Syndicate 2024 book picks

Usually Project Syndicate tells me my free articles are used up, but they are letting me look at their “best books” roundup, I suppose because they are trying to sell me something and I should thank them for the privilege. Anyway, there are a few interesting ones here in the realm of socioeconomic and/or geopolitical non-fiction books. I don’t read too many books in this genre because I am a busy working parent and many of these are TLDR that would have worked fine as longish magazine articles. In fact, sometimes they are magazine articles that got popular and the authors/publishers are trying to cash in. Other times I suspect they are written by humanities professors who are paid by the pound. Nonetheless, here are some that caught my eye. As usual, I am more or less just riffing on the titles and haven’t actually read the books, so don’t take my thoughts as book reviews per se.

  • Amir Lebdioui, Survival of the Greenest: Economic Transformation in a Climate-conscious World. Some ideas on how developing countries could maybe lead the way on various green new deals? Sure, I want to believe in this…
  • Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World. “a fascinating tour of ‘extralegal zones’ of suspended sovereignty – an interconnected network of autonomous, business-friendly enclaves where conventional tax, labor, and immigration laws do not apply.”
  • Yanis Varoufakis, Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism. “a classic case of feudal rent defeating capitalist profit, of wealth extraction by those who already have it triumphing over the creation of new wealth by entrepreneurs.” Well, I want to believe in the tech companies because when it comes to U.S. comparative advantage, it’s kind of all we have left? (well, maybe biotech, but a lot of that is tied up with the predatory health insurance/finance industry which has captured our elected officials and is financially raping its own citizens and customers all day every day rather than creating new value.) I want to believe in Schumpeter’s basic formula: capitalism=competition=innovation=”the greatest wealth creating engine the world has ever known”. But if the tech industry and other modern big businesses are not capitalism at all but rather disguised feudalism, that sort of solves my problem of needing to believe in them. The problem being, what is left to believe in?
  • Shannon Vallor, The AI Mirror: How to Reclaim Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking. AI and (lack of?) ethics. In my own interactions with AI, I have noticed that it can sometimes show more empathy and patience than any human being could consistently be expected to show. You can shout or curse at it and it responds with “I understand your frustration…” and tries to help you. Does it matter whether there are any emotions there as we understand the term? What seems to matter is whether the AI’s interests are aligned with mine. So that is probably what we need to think about.
  • William Ury, Possible: How We Survive (and Thrive) in an Age of Conflict. From a “world-reknowned negotiation expert”. Well, negotiations are about figuring what the interests of the parties are, where they are aligned, and finding something that makes everybody a little better off even if nobody is fully satisfied?
  • Malcolm Gladwell, Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know. I don’t know if this is a good book, or just time for Malcolm Gladwell to write a book… but there seems to be a negotiation, competition, empathy, and cooperation theme developing here. Per Schumpeter, pure capitalist competition is supposed to be sort of a inadvertent cooperation that lifts all boats, right? Dear capitalists – don’t bite the invisible hand that feeds you.
  • Robert D. Blackwill and Richard Fontaine, Lost Decade: The US Pivot to Asia and the Rise of Chinese Power. I just don’t want to believe that China is a military threat to the United States. Maybe I am naive, but I just don’t see how it can be in their interests to threaten us. On the other hand, I am 100% certain they feel threatened by us. So how about a little strategic empathy? Can we be less threatening and still deter conflict?
  • Jonathan Haidt, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness. When I was a kid, it was dumb TV and high-sugar cereal that was supposedly rotting our brains. But I do see the screen-addiction in my own kids, and I don’t deny the rise in mental illness (diagnoses, at least) among children. Still, the screens give my children access to the world’s information that I could only dream of at their age, and they will be interacting with screens some day in some capacity as part of the work force. So I don’t have the answers here certainly, but I don’t think turning the screens off entirely can be the answer. Talking about what is on the screens sounds like a better path.
  • Kevin A. Young, Abolishing Fossil Fuels: Lessons from Movements That Won. I am thinking about the sudden spike in energy use when the AI search engines were turned on. I am thinking about the Kardashev scale, where a civilization’s level of advancement is measured by its energy use (more=more advanced). I am thinking about the Fermi paradox – is it possible that civilizations throughout the universe invent AI but then can’t come up with a viable way to power it without fouling their own nest? This doesn’t really make sense though, when half a century of investment and research in safe nuclear power could have gotten us to a place where we could be fueling the AI awakening more sustainably. The sun’s energy is virtually limitless on our human space and time scales, and solar panels in space are viable with current technology – we would just have had to invest in this and make it happen. Fusion is more speculative but there are some promising developments. I’m just saying, our human performance here on Earth may be pathetic and it seems like we may not make it long term, but if there are a billion civilizations out there similar to ours there must be some that got it right.
  • Michael Lewis, The Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy. “the glaring absence of leadership and preparation during the transition to Donald Trump’s first administration, revealing how the US president-elect appointed incompetent and uninformed individuals to oversee America’s vast bureaucracy.” But this time around, it seems like we are getting even less competent, less informed clowns and fools, and only clowns and fools. Maybe the answer to the Fermi Paradox is that in all the billions of advanced civilizations that arise in the galaxy, a Donald Trump always arises at some point and shits the bed.